
I am using QSortFilterProxyModel in QTreeView for exploring all the files and folders of a directory. Its working fine. but my problem is when i click on any of the item of QTreeView. I am not able to get its information like full path. Can anyone please tell me how to get its full path of the file.


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You can calculate the full path with the following way. First you need to track mouse clicks on the QTreeView with connecting the clicked() signal to the appropriate slot:

connect(treeview, SIGNAL(clicked(const QModelIndex &)), this, SLOT(onItemClicked(const QModelIndex &)); 

In your slot you can call the helper function that will return the full path of the clicked tree node:

void TreeView::onItemClicked(const QModelIndex &index)
    QString path = fullPath(index);
    // ..

QString TreeView::fullPath(const QModelIndex &index)
    QString path('/');
    QModelIndex parent = index;
    while (parent.isValid()) {
        path.prepend('/' +;
        parent = parent.parent();
    return path;
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