
 <asp:ComboBox ID="ddlto" runat="server" IncrementalFilteringMode="StartsWith"
                DataSourceID="XmlDatasource1" TextField="name" ValueField="name"
                Width="100%" DataTextField="name" DataValueField="name" MaxLength="0" style="display: inline;" 
                                                onselectedindexchanged="ddlto_SelectedIndexChanged" />


                          <asp:CompareValidator ID="cm1" runat="server" Operator="NotEqual" Type="string" ControlToValidate="ddlfrom" ControlToCompare="ddlto" ErrorMessage="The 'Departure City' and 'Destination City' cannot be same. Please re-type." ForeColor="red" 
BackColor="yellow" Display="Dynamic" SetFocusOnError="True"> </asp:CompareValidator

It is working properly for that page but when i am clicknig on any other button of that page to redirect to other page again the same messaage of compare validator is printing and i cannot redirect to another page.Means i have 3 pages bus,train and flight when i am removing this compare validator code then i am able to redirext the pages..but when i place these my asp page then, when i click on flight button to redirect to the flight page,it is showing the same message as i have typd in compare validator is not redirecting.PLZZ HELP

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You need to add ValidationGroup property to validator and button which should do validation

<asp:CompareValidator ID="ddlto" ... ValidationGroup="MyValidation"... />

<asp:Button ID="MyBtn" ... ValidationGroup="MyValidation"... />

Just make sure, that validator and button have same group.


use vlaidation group property

<asp:CompareValidator ID="cm1" runat="server" Operator="NotEqual" Type="string"
ControlToValidate="ddlfrom" ControlToCompare="ddlto" ErrorMessage="The 'Departure City'     
and 'Destination City' cannot be same. Please re-type." ForeColor="red" 
BackColor="yellow" Display="Dynamic" SetFocusOnError="True"> </asp:CompareValidator>


here add this prprety along with other properties and give same to that button also then it will be cleared.

Here is some documentation about the ValidationGroup attribute for Form Elements.

The basic idea is to group all the elements you want to be validated when you click a specific button, by identifying them with the same ValidationGroup value

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