Knockout.js : ObservableArrays element Observable Uncaught TypeError: Object [object global] has no method 'disposeCallback'



I am writing an easy web app using Knockout.js but I'm having a lot of trouble accomplishing something that should be easy but i can't figure out where I am wrong. I have a ko.observableArray and i fill it with JSON data from a php REST server. When I add or remove items from this array, the UI updates fine. I want the UI updated when I edit an array element too. I read that the array's element aren't observable, so I tried to make them Observable but still it doesn't work. Here's the code. (I omissed parts I don't consider important)

function sectionViewModel(){

    var self = this;
    self.sections = ko.observableArray();
            self.sectionToEdit = ko.observable();

        //code to initialize self.sections
    $.getJSON("sections", function(data){
         for(var i = 0; i < data.length ; i++){
             var id = ko.observable(data[i].id);
              var nome = ko.observable(data[i].nome);
             self.sections.push({id:id, nome:nome});

    self.confirmEdit = function(){
            url: 'sections/' + self.sectionToEdit().id,
            type: 'PUT',
            data: self.sectionToEdit().nome,


var debug = new sectionViewModel();

This code works if I don't do the for inside $.getJSON but with it, I obtain the following error: Object [object global] has no method 'disposeCallback' from knockout.js in the moment i trigger the confirmEdit function. The PUT request it's not executed either and I have no idea why. Any help is really appreciated, thanks!

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Because nome is an observable, you have to unwrap it in your function:

self.confirmEdit = function(){
        url: 'sections/' + self.sectionToEdit().id,
        type: 'PUT',
        data: self.sectionToEdit().nome(),

Otherwise, jQuery treats the observable as an object map, including calling all functions on the object.

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