
hello all i have a list of log files & wants to convert it into text files. In my case i'm able to convert single log file (input: Trace0.log output: output0.txt) using java script command...

start java -jar USB_Trace_Decoder.jar -t -l Trace0.log -o outputlog\output0.txt.

I have to perform the above code multiple times with change in input and output filename in each iteration. How can i do the same to get desired result

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Try this:

@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set i=0
for /f "Tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /on trace*.log') do (
 echo start java -jar USB_Trace_Decoder.jar -t -l %%~nxa -o outputlog\output!i!.txt
 set /a i+=1
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