
Computing Voronoi diagrams for collection of line segments is often considered to be one of the most studied problems in computer science, and has lots of practical applications.

Yet I was unable to find any implementation for it in java libraries (this the best library I found, and it is written in C++). JTS, one of the best geometry APIs in java, only includes algorithm to compute Voronoi diagram from set of points.

Currently I'm reading up articles about several algorithms computing this diagram, and if everything else fails, I'll try to implement one of those myself - but I would be a lot happier if it was possible to reuse some code that was already written and tested.

Maybe there is some library for computing Voronoi diagrams for set of line segments, that I overlooked in my search?

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Here's a Java applet by Takashi Ohyama for computing the line-segment Voronoi diagram. That page also has links to resources for several related problems. The source for the applet is here.

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