
I'm trying to understand some of the implications/principles of Agile Product Development.

So with a single Product backlog that captures everything that is wanted of the product, I'm not entirely clear about where it ends.

  • I've heard of software products that are released with "known bugs" (different to missing features). In principle, should there be a product backlog there, behind the scenes, that is live and well until every last bug is fixed?

  • Does the product backlog exist for as long as the product exists? In which in the case of a mature product, the product backlog will have very little on it - but it is still there. But then couldn't / wouldn't every github project have a product backlog?

  • Does a product backlog reach some point where it is "finished" and now it's operational, so code changes are "defects" and tracked in a different way, and there is no more Product backlog?

Where exactly does the product backlog end?

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It is entirely possible for a Product Backlog to be empty, but that does not mean it has ended. Usually, this is just an indication that bugs have not been logged yet, or the product owner is doing a poor job of planning for additional features.

If you are some one running a product company, and your product has no backlog items, that means you are likely missing vision as to how to keep your product evolving to stay ahead of competitors and reach new markets.

That being said, many agile software projects now run with a product backlog, when in reality this is just a project backlog. Similarly, a release team may be running a product backlog that is actually the release backlog. In these scenarios, it is very common for the backlog to 'end' as it can only live for the length of time up to the project or release completion. The remaining items then fall back onto the true product backlog that spans multiple projects or releases.


The product backlog never ends. Its like a alive organism, he is aways getting bigger while the system is alive. Even if the project get ready, the product backlog still alive.

You can see more here: The product backlog is a living artifact

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