
How, using Vundle, can I load a ftplugin for a filtype it wasn't written for?

In my old .vimrc (before I started using Vundle), I would do something like this:

au FileType xquery ru fplugin/xhtml.vim

But that doesn't seem to be doing the trick.

...any thoughts? Thanks!

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Solution 2

OK, so I'm just coming back to this, and it turns out that what I had up there actually does work. Except that the line that I'm actually using in Vim uses a lower case "t" in "Filetype". Not sure if that was the issue, but it works perfectly now:

au Filetype xquery ru ftplugin/xhtml.vim


(Not a Vundle user, and I think it should not affect your command.)

Instead of the :autocmd, create a file ftplugin/xquery.vim (either under ~/.vim/ or as a bundle), with the following contents:

runtime! ftplugin/xhtml.vim
runtime! ftplugin/xhtml_*.vim ftplugin/xhtml/*.vim

(This assumes you have :filetype plugin on.)

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