
I'm trying to select a node's value from XML in a table in MySQL/MariaDB

Acoording to the MySQL docs, following-sibling is not supported as an XPath axis in MySQL. Is there an alternative?


My XML structure looks something like:


I need to find the record with ID 10, and get the text in <value></value>.

Valid XPath would be /fields/record/id[text()=10]/following-sibling::value/text() which would return Foo

What are my options?


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In this simple case you do not need the following-sibling. Try this instead:


Using the tag id inside the brackets leaves your context at record so that the following slash descends to the corresponding sibling of id (having the same parent as id).


I have this XML:


Below is query:

SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(xml, "List/Attribute[Id[text()='NAME']]/Value") FROM xx;

But getting error as Unknown column 'List/Attribute[Id[text()='COUNTRY']]/Value' in 'field list'

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