
i'm trying to center a group of fluid thumbnails, but they always align left instead of center.

here's the jsfiddle that shows the problem:

you may have to enlarge the output window to see the thumbnails side by side and observe the problem

<div class="container-fluid">

  <div class="row-fluid">

        <ul class="thumbnails">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

    <a href="photos for nothing.jpg" rel="prettyPhoto[gallery1]" title="nothing">
      <img class="thumbnail" src="blank photos/blankthumb.jpg" alt="nothing">

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The simplest way is to use display: inline-block and text-align: center like so:

.thumbnails { text-align: center; }
.thumbnails li { display: inline-block; margin: 0; float: none; }

The initial trouble was Bootstrap adds .thumbnails li { float: left } which throws off the alignment. Adding float: none; to override fixed it right up.




Your li's are block elements and therefore will fill the width of their container and not sit next to each other.

You'll need the following CSS:

.thumbnails {text-align: center; }
.thumbnails li {display: inline-block; margin:0 }

You'll need CSS to position them in the centre. Try this fiddle.

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