
I have a number of controllers in my Ruby on Rails apps with a rescue handler at the end of the action that basically catches any unhandled errors and returns some kind of "user friendly" error. However, when I'm doing rake test I'd like to have those default rescue handlers disabled so I can see the full error & stack trace. Is there any automated way to do this?

Update to clarify: I have an action like this:

def foo
  # do some stuff...
  render :text => "Exception: #{$!}" # this could be any kind of custom render

Now when I functional test this, if the exception is raised then I'm going to get just a little bit of info about the exception, but what I'd like is for it to act as though there's no rescue handler there, so I get the full debug information.


I did this:

    raise unless Rails.env.production?
    render :text => "Exception: #{$!}" # this could be any kind of custom render
Was it helpful?


Not quite automated, but how modifying your code to re-throw exceptions whenever called within a test?

Perhaps something like this:

def foo
  # do some stuff...
  raise if ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "test"
  render :text => "Exception: #{$!}" # this could be any kind of custom render


Have you looked at using the assert_raise( exception1, exception2, ... ) { block } call and then printing the exception from the block?

Which method are you using? There are two rescue methods in ActionController.

I have this in my base controller:

def rescue_action_in_public(exception)
    response_code = response_code_for_rescue(exception)
    status = interpret_status(response_code)
    respond_to do |format|
        format.html { render_optional_error_file response_code}
        format.js { render :update, :status => status  do |page| page.redirect_to(:url => error_page_url(status)) end}


This only displays custom errors in production mode.

I think the easiest thing to do is verify that the correct render was called-- or whatever was different from the regular, non-exceptional case.

You shouldn't need to disable your rescue block. Use the assert_raise method (as suggested by Scott), and in the block, call the method that you expect an exception from.

For example:

def test_throws_exception
  assert_raise Exception do
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