
I have a RadGrid control that is displays disabled or enabled checkboxes based on the database values.

I have a radio button "Select All" that needs to check all enabled checkboxes in the grid. However, I am not able to detect if the checkbox is enabled or disabled.

The html code for the checkbox is:

<telerik:GridTemplateColumn DataField="Certified" HeaderText="Certified" Visible="true">
        <asp:CheckBox ID="CheckBox2" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" 
        Enabled='<%# !bool.Parse(Eval("Certified").ToString()) %>' />

My codebehind is:

foreach (GridDataItem dataItem in RadGrid1.MasterTableView.Items)
    if (((CheckBox)dataItem.FindControl("CheckBox2")).Enabled != false) ;
        ((CheckBox)dataItem.FindControl("CheckBox2")).Checked = true;

How can I go about returning only enabled checkboxes in the if statement?

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You have strange logic, and if statement is ended with comma.

if (((CheckBox)dataItem.FindControl("CheckBox2")).Enabled != false) ;

As the result, they become two separate lines.

   ((CheckBox)dataItem.FindControl("CheckBox2")).Checked = true;


foreach (GridDataItem dataItem in RadGrid1.MasterTableView.Items)
    var checkbox = dataItem.FindControl("CheckBox2") as CheckBox;
    if (checkbox.Enabled)
        checkbox.Checked = true;


  columns.Bound(c => c.IsSelected)
 .ClientTemplate("<input <#=IsSelected  ? 'checked'  : '' #>  />")
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