
I want to upload/attach several documents to a book node. Each document will be offered in a number of file formats, for example:

  • Report2010.pdf
  • Report2010.rtf
  • Report2010.doc
  • Agreement11.pdf
  • Agreement11.rtf
  • Agreement11.doc

Given this, in order to:

  1. Offer a sensible upload interface (like FileField) that allows an unlimited number of files to be uploaded.
  2. Present these files for download, for example:

Is there a robust way to relate the different file formats for each document to each other? By robust, I mean something that (for example) doesn't rely on the user naming the files in a particular way for it to work.

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Solution 3

The Fieldgroup module seems to do almost everything I need: for each document, I create a group which has a filefield for each file type (PDF, DOC, RTF). It doesn't solve the requirement to allow unlimited files, but the workaround would be to create a number of groups that would reasonably cater for most scenarios.



$fields = array('field_reports', 'field_agreements'); // you should to create 2 fields for different filenames
$items = array();
foreach($fields AS $field){
  $exts = array();
  foreach($node->{$field} AS $file){
    // delete real extension from file name
    $filename = explode('.', $file['filename']);
    $ext = array_pop($filename);
    $exts[$ext] = l($ext, $file['filepath']);
    $filename = implode('.', $filename);
  $items[] = t('!filename - download as: !links', array('!filename' => $filename, '!links' => implode(', ', $exts)));
print theme_item_list($items);

Hovewer, this code must be in template.php in phptemplate_preprocess_node function.

You can use
to ensure the files have the correct mime type, and then

to rename them based on file values

You should make a custom CCK formatter (start with as example) to output the files the way you want without hacking up your template files.

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