
I am trying to migrate users from a Drupal 6 to a Drupal 7 site. My problem is how to change their password from MD5 to the hash one (used by D7).
Do you have any idea?

Was it helpful?


To update the md5 password to the hashed one I needed to use user_hash_password() and concact an 'U'. Here is the script that I used to make it work.

        require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . variable_get('password_inc', 'includes/');
        $res = db_query('select * from drupal.users');

        if($res) {
                foreach ($res as $result) {
                        $hashed_pass = user_hash_password($result->pass, 11);
                        if ($hashed_pass) {
                          $hashed_pass  = 'U' . $hashed_pass;
                          db_update('users')->fields(array('pass' => $hashed_pass))->condition('uid', $result->uid)->execute();

Then I ran

drush scr <name_of_the_script_file>

And it worked.


There is a VERY simple answer to this:

  $this->destination = new MigrateDestinationUser(array('md5_passwords' => TRUE));
  $this->addFieldMapping('pass', 'source_password');

Reference: Preserving user passwords

If somebody needs a standalone PHP script to migrate users from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7, then here it is:

    Standalone PHP script to migrate users from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 programatically.
    Date: 9-4-2012

    // set HTTP_HOST or drupal will refuse to bootstrap
    $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = '';
    $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = '';

    //root of Drupal 7 site
    require_once "./includes/";
    require_once "./includes/";

    //connect to Drupal 6 database
    $db= new mysqli('localhost','ace6','ace6','ace6');
    if(mysqli_connect_errno())  {
        echo "Conection error. Could not connect to Drupal 6 site!";

    //get users from Drupal 6 database
    $query="select * from users";
    //count number of users

        //fetch each row/user

        //migrate only active users

            //convert password from Drupal 6 style to Drupal 7 style

            //check if user with same email address already exists in Drupal 7 database, if it does, do not migrate
            if (!user_load_by_mail($row['mail'])) {
                $account = new stdClass;
                $account->is_new = TRUE;
                $account->name = $row['name'];
                $account->pass = $hashed_pass;
                $account->mail = $row['mail'];
                $account->init = $row['mail'];
                $account->status = TRUE;
                $account->roles = array(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID => TRUE);
                $account->timezone = variable_get('date_default_timezone', '');
                //create user in Drupal 7 site 
                //print message
                echo "User acount ".$row['name']." has been created\n";


Well, if you upgrade you come out with your passwords OK. I guess you could probably look at the upgrade code to see how they do that.

However, if you're just migrating users, probably the most likely approach would be just to send out one-time login links to everybody and get them to reset their passwords.

If I ran this from devel/php on the D7 site, I found I only needed:

require_once "./includes/";

//connect to Drupal 6 database
$db= new mysqli('localhost','ace6','ace6','ace6');
if(mysqli_connect_errno())  {
    echo "Conection error. Could not connect to Drupal 6 site!";

//get users from Drupal 6 database
$query="select * from users";
//count number of users

    //fetch each row/user

    //migrate only active users

        //convert password from Drupal 6 style to Drupal 7 style

        //check if user with same email address already exists in Drupal 7 database, if it does, do not migrate
        if (!user_load_by_mail($row['mail'])) {
            $account = new stdClass;
            $account->is_new = TRUE;
            $account->name = $row['name'];
            $account->pass = $hashed_pass;
            $account->mail = $row['mail'];
            $account->init = $row['mail'];
            $account->status = TRUE;
            $account->roles = array(DRUPAL_AUTHENTICATED_RID => TRUE);
            $account->timezone = variable_get('date_default_timezone', '');
            //create user in Drupal 7 site 
            //print message
            echo "User acount ".$row['name']." has been created\n";


Both sites were on the same webserver.

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