
As programmers I think we are the most inclined to use new technologies and things that are not so mainstream.

I absolutely love OpenId's ability to log in with credentials you already have, but I always use a provider that I already use and that is the fastest to log in, like google. God knows I'd never used it if i had to type in the whole "" I like to click on the google button and then just say yes (the first time, then its just clicking the button).

Does any of you ever uses the Generic "Enter your own provider" OpenId?

Do you think its worth to even offer it to more casual end users?

Was it helpful?


Yes. I set up delegation on my own site, so I just use one of my own URLs. Easy to remember, and doesn't tie me to a provider.


I'd say the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. If you didn't provide that feature, you'd have to include more presets to make sure everyone was covered, and (as Mr. C said) some people use their own sites to redirect to their OpenId. Forcing some users to create a new OpenId just to use your site would probably turn most of them away.

If you're worried about it confusing new users, you could always hide it under an advanced option.

When I signed up to Stack Overflow they didn't have the big buttons they do now (I likely would've used Google). So I signed up for MyOpenID and still use it. It's simple to remember the URL, but it's even easier now that SO has a big "MyOpenID" button alongside Google etc.

Even if you're covering the majority of bases (as per your comment) it's not like it's any trouble to add an "enter your own" box - I mean, the Google/Yahoo boxes just link to the appropriate OpenID URLs anyway.

I use Yahoo for the most part, easy to remember if you set it up right:

I have both a account and a delegated myopenid account on my personal site. the stack* sites don't seem to like the delegdted account, so I use my mylid account here.

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