
How to get only one record from cursor using secondary indexes?

r.db('domains').table('info').getAll(domain, {index: 'domain'}).run connection, (err, cursor) ->
  throw err if err
  cursor.toArray (err, info) ->
    throw err if err
    callback info

How to get only one record?

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Probably the easiest way is to modify your query like so:

r.db('domains').table('info').getAll(domain, {index: 'domain'}).limit(1)

That will give you back only the first document. You could also only consume 1 document from the cursor. But that's probably not quite as clean.


There are a few ways to do this. This is what I like doing:

.getAll('bar', {index: 'baz'})
.run(connection, (err, results) => {

  var result

  if (err) {
    //always handle errors :)

  result = results[0]

  //dosomething with your "result"
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