
A materialized view(MV) log can be used to allow a MV to do a fast refresh which only modifies the data that has changed. However, various conditions prevent the MV from using the log and therefore require a complete refresh. Oracle implemented an atomic complete refresh as a delete and insert of every record. It does this even if there are ultimately no changes to the data.

Is there a way to make this replication intelligent with regard to redo generation? A MERGE followed by a DELETE requires querying the source twice. Would it be worth it to bulk collect the data to do a BULK MERGE and DELETE? Is there a better way?


I explored using a global temporary table as a staging area. Although they use less than half the redo, they still use to much.

Was it helpful?


This is just intended to demonstrate redo usage of various insert operations rather than answer the whole question. Results on my 10g instance are not 100% deterministic, but the broad picture remained the same each time I ran through.

For the heap tables, I do not know why the insert /*+ append */ generated more redo.


create table heap_noappend(id integer, dummy char(500));
create table heap_append(id integer, dummy char(500));
create global temporary table gtt_noappend(id integer, dummy char(500));
create global temporary table gtt_append(id integer, dummy char(500));
create global temporary table gtt_results(stage integer, val integer);


insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 0, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';

insert into heap_noappend(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;

insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 1, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';

insert /*+ append */ into heap_append(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;

insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 2, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';

insert into gtt_noappend(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;

insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 3, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';

insert /*+ append */ into gtt_append(id, dummy)
select level, 'A' from dual connect by level<1000;

insert into gtt_results(stage, val)
select 4, value from v$statname join v$sesstat using(statistic#)
where sid=sys_context('userenv','sid') and name='redo size';


select * 
from( select decode(stage,1,'heap noappend',
                          2,'heap append',
                          3,'gtt noappend',
                          4,'gtt append') as operation, 
             val-lag(val) over(order by stage) as redo 
      from gtt_results)
where redo is not null;

OPERATION     REDO                   
------------- ---------------------- 
heap noappend 606932                 
heap append   690768                 
gtt noappend  41488                  
gtt append    256                   


Good question. I "solved" this problem for my situation a while back by making the MV's and any indexes on them NOLOGGING. There was no point to it my situation - I was doing a full refresh of the view anyway, why would I need redo?

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