
I am experiencing a weird issue on my PrestaShop website.

When I am opening an URL without WWW on it, it redirects to the WWW page, but displays 404 page.

for example, when I am trying to access it takes me to It should not add ?controller=404 to the end of the url. Why it's doing this and how to fix this issue?

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You need to manually edit the .htaccess file of your Prestashop website. You can redirect all non-www urls to add www using this code.

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. 
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [R=301,L]

Place the code on top of your .htaccess file or within the condition block for checking mod_rewrite


you can set your url under "Preferences > SEO & URLs". you have to change the options "Shop domain" and "SSL domain" there you can set with or without "WWW".

This is most probably cased by not-generated .htaccess file. Go to BackOffice -> Preferences -> SEO & URLs and click [Save]. This will regenerate your .htaccess file.

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