
I have a table included some data about warehouse operation (order_id, phase, duration, datetime, order_canceled), so I need to draw a graph to present these data for performance management.

I tried to create a module named "Warehousereport" into mangento admin, so how can I override Magento graph in dashboard in this module ? Another way, anyone can give me a tutorial to do that ?

Please help me, I'm stucking. Thank you very much.

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According to and

  1. In the module you create, you need to override Mage_Reports_Model_Resource_Order_Collection: so in your config.xml put:


2.Then create the class (respecting the path) and in this class you need to override 2 methods:

 * Show all orders, not only the invoiced one
class Namespace_Yourmodule_Model_Reports_Resource_Order_Collection extends Mage_Reports_Model_Resource_Order_Collection

    protected function _prepareSummaryLive($range, $customStart, $customEnd, $isFilter = 0)
        $adapter = $this->getConnection();

         * Reset all columns, because result will group only by 'created_at' field

        $expression = sprintf('%s - %s - %s - (%s - %s - %s)',
            $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_total_invoiced', 0),
            $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_tax_invoiced', 0),
            $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_shipping_invoiced', 0),
            $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_total_refunded', 0),
            $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_tax_refunded', 0),
            $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_shipping_refunded', 0)
        if ($isFilter == 0) {
                'revenue' => new Zend_Db_Expr(
                    sprintf('SUM((%s) * %s)', $expression,
                        $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_to_global_rate', 0)
        } else {
                'revenue' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('SUM(%s)', $expression))

        $dateRange = $this->getDateRange($range, $customStart, $customEnd);

        $tzRangeOffsetExpression = $this->_getTZRangeOffsetExpression(
            $range, 'created_at', $dateRange['from'], $dateRange['to']

                'quantity' => 'COUNT(main_table.entity_id)',
                'range' => $tzRangeOffsetExpression,
            //BOF modification
//            ->where('main_table.state NOT IN (?)', array(
//                Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PENDING_PAYMENT,
//                Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_NEW)
//            )
            //EOF modification
            ->order('range', Zend_Db_Select::SQL_ASC)

        $this->addFieldToFilter('created_at', $dateRange);

        return $this;

    protected function _calculateTotalsLive($isFilter = 0)

        $adapter = $this->getConnection();

        $baseTotalInvoiced    = $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_grand_total', 0);
        $baseTotalRefunded    = $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_discount_refunded', 0);
        $baseTaxInvoiced      = $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_tax_amount', 0);
        $baseTaxRefunded      = $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_tax_refunded', 0);
        $baseShippingInvoiced = $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_shipping_amount', 0);
        $baseShippingRefunded = $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_shipping_refunded', 0);

        $revenueExp = sprintf('%s - %s - %s - (%s - %s - %s)',
        $taxExp = sprintf('%s - %s', $baseTaxInvoiced, $baseTaxRefunded);
        $shippingExp = sprintf('%s - %s', $baseShippingInvoiced, $baseShippingRefunded);

        if ($isFilter == 0) {
            $rateExp = $adapter->getIfNullSql('main_table.base_to_global_rate', 0);
                    'revenue'  => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('SUM((%s) * %s)', $revenueExp, $rateExp)),
                    'tax'      => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('SUM((%s) * %s)', $taxExp, $rateExp)),
                    'shipping' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('SUM((%s) * %s)', $shippingExp, $rateExp))
        } else {
                    'revenue'  => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('SUM(%s)', $revenueExp)),
                    'tax'      => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('SUM(%s)', $taxExp)),
                    'shipping' => new Zend_Db_Expr(sprintf('SUM(%s)', $shippingExp))

            'quantity' => 'COUNT(main_table.entity_id)'
        //BOF modification
//        ->where('main_table.state NOT IN (?)', array(
//            Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_PENDING_PAYMENT,
//            Mage_Sales_Model_Order::STATE_NEW)
//         );
        //EOF modification

        return $this;


In this example the filtering by order's status is commented, but you can easily uncomment it and put the order statuses you don't want to be counted in.

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