
Well, I'm using my own taxonomy for custom post type. It looks like this:

register_taxonomy("our_gallery", array("gallery"), array("hierarchical" => true, "label" => "Types", "singular_label" => "Type", "rewrite" => true));

I have created a few "types"/categories in my admin panel like "Black and white", "Landscapes" and so forth...

Anyways I can't figure out how to get these categories out? I mean - display them on my gallery page just next to gallery items?

I've tried:

  <?php $cat = get_the_category();
    var_dump($cat); ?>

And it displays an empty array - "array(0) { }". How to get access to my own categories? get_the_category('our gallery') and ('gallery') also gives an empty array...

Thanks a lot :)

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I think you are getting confused by terminology here.

Category is a taxonomy. Specific categories you create are terms.

our_gallery is taxonomy. Landscapes is term. our_gallery is not category. It is its own taxonomy and has nothing to do with category taxonomy.

get_the_category() function explicitly fetches terms of category taxonomy.

To get terms of our_gallery taxonomy you need more generic function get_the_terms().


Maybe you should use following statement to get categories of a taxonomy:

$taxonomy  = 'your-taxonomy-name';
$tax_terms = get_terms($taxonomy, array('hide_empty' => false));
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