
i just want this code to be added in my functions.php, so that it will directly display after my post ends currently i am adding this code to my single.php, but i want to add this is in functions.php, this code is use to fetch all the tweets of the respective account, the code is here

function parse_twitter_feed($feed, $prefix, $tweetprefix, $tweetsuffix, $suffix) {
  $feed = str_replace("&lt;", "<", $feed);
  $feed = str_replace("&gt;", ">", $feed);
  $clean = explode("<content type=\"html\">", $feed);

  $amount = count($clean) - 1;

  echo $prefix;

  for ($i = 1; $i <= $amount; $i++) {
    $cleaner = explode("</content>", $clean[$i]);
    echo $tweetprefix;
    echo $cleaner[0];
    echo $tweetsuffix;

  echo $suffix;

function the_twitter_feed($username) {
  // $username = "Mba_"; // Your twitter username.
  $limit = "5"; // Number of tweets to pull in.

  /* These prefixes and suffixes will display before and after the entire block of tweets. */
  $prefix = ""; // Prefix - some text you want displayed before all your tweets.
  $suffix = ""; // Suffix - some text you want displayed after all your tweets.
  $tweetprefix = ""; // Tweet Prefix - some text you want displayed before each tweet.
  $tweetsuffix = "<br>"; // Tweet Suffix - some text you want displayed after each tweet.

  $feed = "" . $username . "&rpp=" . $limit;

  $twitterFeed = get_transient($feed);
  if (!$twitterFeed) {
    $twitterFeed = wp_remote_fopen($feed);
    set_transient($feed, $twitterFeed, 3600); // cache for an hour
  if ($twitterFeed)
    parse_feed($twitterFeed, $prefix, $tweetprefix, $tweetsuffix, $suffix);
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I'm not sure why you don't just insert the code in the single.php, or use Denis's solution, but if you want to hook into the_content you can do so by putting the following in your functions.php file:

function append_the_content($content) {
    $content .= 'PUT YOUR FUNCTION HERE';
       return $content;
add_filter('the_content', 'append_the_content');

This will add directly to the end of the_content.

You can call your Twitter function above this and it should work. You'd be better off using a theme framework with some custom hooks because hooking into the_content in this way can get very buggy very fast depending on what other filters/hooks your theme and plugins are using to modify the_content. I don't know why it happens, I just know that it does.


Using FTP, grab your theme's functions.php, and add the above code within it, minus the leading <?php and the trailing ?>, towards the latter file's end (before the ?>, which terminates php).

I've edited your function so it can then be used in a template:

<?php the_twitter_feed('username'); ?>
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