
I'm attempting to create a staging environment using Magento "Staging Website" feature that was include in 1.12 (System > Content Staging). However, after the initial set up is complete, all I'm left with is a new store view and a few empty files


I don't see anything in var/log and have reindexed. My guess is that if these files are empty, it's obviously not going to do anything.

What could have prevented this from running correctly?

Was it helpful?


From Enterprise_Staging_Model_Entry

     * Create entry point if possible
     * @return Enterprise_Staging_Model_Entry
    public function save()
        if ($this->canEntryPointBeCreated()) {
            $sample = file_get_contents(BP . DS . 'index.php.sample');
            $outputFile = $this->getFilename();
            if (!is_dir(dirname($outputFile))) {
            $result = str_replace(
                array('include $', 'app/Mage.php'),
                array('include \'../../\' . $', '../../app/Mage.php'),
            $result = preg_replace('/Mage::run\(.*?\)/us', "Mage::run('{$this->_website->getCode()}', 'website')", $result);
            file_put_contents($outputFile, $result);

            $sample = file_get_contents(BP . DS . '.htaccess.sample');

$search = <<<SEARCH
## workaround for HTTP authorization
## in CGI environment

$replace = <<<REPLACE
## add 'no_cache' GET parameter for staging sites

    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} !(^|[?&])no_cache([&=]|$)
    RewriteRule (.*) $1?no_cache [QSA]

## workaround for HTTP authorization
## in CGI environment

            $sample = str_replace($search, $replace, $sample);
            $outputFile = $this->getBaseFolder() . DS . $this->_website->getCode() . DS . '.htaccess';
            file_put_contents($outputFile, $sample);
        return $this;

Make sure index.php.sample and .htaccess.sample exist. They are copied when creating a new staging environment.

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