
Is there a way to interpret the content of a div having my directive as an attribute :

example :

 <div my-directive>{{1+1}}</div>

and my link function looks like this :

  link = (scope, element, attrs) =>
  interpretedString = element.text()

in this example interpretedString is equal to {{1+1}} instead of 2

any help? the scope.$eval evaluates attributes, but what if I want to evaluate the text of a directive?


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In order to interpret the string, you need to interpolate it thanks to the angular's $interpolate service.


link = (scope, element, attrs) =>
  interpretedString = $interpolate(element.text())(scope)


Just to back up a bit, the contents of an element could be anything -- an array of element trees, text nodes, comments, and (unless you declare your directive "terminal") it all gets evaluated recursively and could have directives inside directive. I think you'd be much better off passing an interpolated string as an attribute. I mean you could do it this way, but whoever's using your widget wouldn't really expect that.

Something like:

<div my-directive my-attr="{{1+1}}"></div>

Or even (if that attribute is "primary"):

<div my-directive="{{1+1}}"></div>

From there, instead of $interpolate(element.text())(scope) you'd have $interpolate(attrs.myDirective)(scope)

Of course, the nature of Angular is everything is dynamic and can update all the time. What if the expression didn't just have constants, as a real expression likely wouldn't. If it were:


Then the question is do you care about it changing? If not, $interpolate is fine. It captures the initial value. If you do care about it updating, you should use $observe.

attrs.$observe('myDirective', function(val) {
    // if say "foo" is 5, val would be 6 here

Then later if you're like = 8 the callback runs and passes 9.

Alternative is to do

<my-directive ng-bind="1+1" />

var two = $scope.$eval('ngBind');


.directive('myDirective', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        scope: {
            ngBind : '='
        link: function (scope, element, attrs) {
            console.log('expecting string "1+1": '+attrs.ngBind);
            console.log('expecting evaluated string "2": '+scope.$eval('ngBind'));

side note: <div ng-bind="val"></div> is almost the same as <div>{{val}}</div>. Except that u save 4 brackets and never see them flashing into view when things might go slower whatsoever reason.

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