
I need to implement currency block as well as language block in my prestashop shop v1.5.6.1.I have implemented these modules in advance footer section.language block is visible but i cant able to change the language by using dropdown.Currency block module is not dislaying at all in front end.

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add this line in your blockcurrencies.php file

    public function hookdisplayFooter($params){
    if ($this->_prepareHook($params))
        return $this->display(__FILE__, 'blockcurrenciesfooter.tpl');       

add a blockcurrenciesfooter.tpl in your module folder.

add this code in blockcurrenciesfooter.tpl

<form id="setCurrency" action="{$request_uri}" method="post">
    <div class="change_currency"><span>Choose Currency</span><br/> 
        <select class="change_currency"> 
            {foreach from=$currencies key=k item=f_currency} 
            <option value="{$f_currency.id_currency}">
                {$f_currency.sign} {$}
<script type="text/javascript">

Hook "Currency block" module to displayFooter


I have made block language module to work by adding languages downloaded from Translation and upload it into my prestashop through


Now its working fine.

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