
I am returning JSON from an AJAX service and binding the results using KnockoutJS.

One of my bindings is an image, and I need part of the URL to come from the ViewModel like so:' + facebookPageID + '/picture?type=large' }" />

If you copy and paste the result of the constructed image tag it gives a valid image from a facebook page. But when bound into the src attribute it seems to strip non alpha-numeric characters from the path.

Here is a JSFiddle of my problem

Here is the HTML:

<button id="btnSearch">Click to Search</button>
<div class="myresult" data-bind="foreach: events">
        Name: <span data-bind="html: Name"></span><br/>
        facebookPageID: <span data-bind="html: facebookPageID"></span><br/>
        Constructed Image Tag: <span data-bind="html: '' + facebookPageID + '/picture?type=large'"></span><br/>
        <img width=100 height=100 border=1 data-bind "attr:{ src: '' + facebookPageID + '/picture?type=large' }" />

Here is the code:

var jsonData = {
        "events": [{
            "Name": "London marathon",
            "facebookPageID": "71506449747"
        }, {
            "Name": "Great North Run",
            "facebookPageID": "71506449747"

// View model declaration
var EvViewModel = {
    events: ko.observableArray([])

function getEvents() {
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'json',
        url: '/echo/json/',
        data: { json: JSON.stringify(jsonData) },
        success: function (data) {

$(document).ready(function () {


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Your markup is invalid:

<img width=100 height=100 border=1 data-bind "attr:{ src:
                                            missing an equals sign

It may be possible that the browser is trying to turn the data-bind attribute value into part of an attribute name, thus stripping out the non-alphanumeric characters.

Also, you should always use quotation marks around your attribute values:

<img width="100" height="100" border="1" data-bind="..." />
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