
I am trying to set up a WPF application with a user control library. The library is in .NET 4.5, as is my project. I have set a namespace (xmlns:blah) of "clr-namespace:Fluent;assembly=Fluent" in MainWindow.xaml. I am using VS2012. I have had this work before about a year ago, but I lost my code when my computer crashed. Whenever I use elements of this control library, I get intellisense errors in the xaml window. When it was working, I was able to even edit it in the designer. It still builds and runs, but I heavily rely on intellisense for nearly everything in xaml, so hand-coding everything without any intellisense is really slow and difficult. Intellisense works in the C# files, it just can't find it in the xaml. The specific error it's giving me is

The name "RibbonWindow" does not exist in the namespace

I get the same error for every other control used in the library. The library I'm using is the Fluent Ribbon Control Suite. I know there is a very similar question asked here, but the solutions there did not have any effect.

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After you download the Fluent Ribbon Control Suite you need to unblock the .zip before extracting it. To do this right click on the zip file and select 'Properties', then on the 'General' tab click 'Unblock'.

Now when you add a reference to the extracted .dll it will be able to resolve the namespace and intellisense should work.

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