Transactional email templating syntax - calling a helper or model method and assign to variable


  •  16-10-2019
  •  | 


In the email templating syntax. Is it possible to assign a return value of a magento helper to a variable?

For example this would be perfect:

{{var myVar = helper(myhelper).helperMethod }}

i.e. i want to assign the return value of a helper method to a variable in the template.

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You can include the output of any block into the shipping email via the following:

{{block type="yourcustom/shippingblock" template="path/to/your/template.phtml"}}

IIRC your block must extend Mage_Core_Block_Template. To get ahold of the current shipment information in your block use the following:

$shipment = Mage::registry('current_shipment');

Since patch SUPEE-6788 or Magento block which are used in the email templates or in CMS pages need to be white listed. See How can i add block to whitelist?


You can include blocks into the email templates, using the standard CMS block code.

For example:

{{block type='core/template' area='frontend' template='email/my_email_block.phtml' order=$order shipment=$shipment }}

Then in the template file email/my_email_block.phtml

-> You can access the Shipment object by using $this->getShipment().
-> You can access the Order object by using $this->getOrder().

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