
For one report I am making query where users suppose have to choice TOP values based on percents or fix amount of rows.

I have two ideas

Calling two different sub stored procedure based on passed param.

if @param ='percent'
      exec sp_data_TOP_by_Percent
if @param ='perRow'
    exec sp_data_TOP_by_PerRow

other idea is to make dynamic TSQL query something like this

declare @command nchar(max)

select @command = 'select top(10) '
                   + case @param 
                              when 'percent' then percent 
                              else ' '
                   + ' * '
                   + 'from table 
                        order by 1';
exec sp_executesql @command

Is there third solution for something like this ?
What is better approach ? First one avoiding dynamic TSQL but is harder to maintain code in two places. I am using MSSQL2005 as databse.

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I'd have 2 separate queries/stored procedures just to avoid dynamic SQL.

An IF statement in one stored proc would be enough too


To elaborate on gbn's answer, two stored procedures is the better way to go here; additionally, I'd go one step further and place the query (sans top clause) in a table-valued function and then have the stored procedures be nothing more than a shell which calls the TVF and applies the top clause appropriately (by number of rows or percent).

The only caveat here being that if you use a TVF, try and make sure that it's an inlined TVF, as it allows the query analyzer to use statistics (much like it would a view).

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