
When I try to retract solution (via Central Administration or using stsadm), the solution stays in the Retracting state.

I found a very similar question on Stack Overflow, but the services 'Windows SharePoint Services Administration' and 'Windows SharePoint Services Timer' are running, and restarting them didn't help.

Running the command stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs returns the message "Operation completed successfully." but the solution is still retracting. Interestingly, running that command produces the following log entries:

Service Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAdministrationService, id [GUID] not online, ignoring
Service Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebService, id [GUID] not online, ignoring

Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?

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Solution from Kai (slightly amended):

Eventually I had to reinstall WSS3. It seems the problem occurred because I changed the user accounts the Admin and Timer services ran under from those originally configured during installation.


Neil Sly suffered from a similar problems, and documented his struggles (and eventual resolution) on his blog.

Have you tried following the steps in his article?

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