
I know how the database characterset (NLS_CHARACTERSET in select * from v$nls_parameters;) and the client character set (the client environment setting NLS_LANG) interact.

What I can't find out however, is how or if I can determine, for an established session, what Oracle thinks the current client characterset is.

Is this possible at all?

Note: SELECT * FROM NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS; does not include the character set (on 10g2).

To make absolutely clear what I'd like to accomplish:

  1. NLS_LANG is set in client environment to an arbitrary value (for example GERMAN_GERMANY.WE8MSWIN1252)
  2. Database application[*] starts and establishes a connection/session to the Oracle database.
  3. Database application[*] wants to "ask" Oracle (not its OS environment) what the client character set is Oracle will assume.

[*]: If the db application is sqlplus, the example would look as follows:

sqlplus /nolog
connect user/pass@example
*magic command*;

Jack's note in his answer raises two important points:

  • With Oracle, who does the characterset translation. Is it the client-library code or is it done on the server side?
  • As it appears it is the client, the client would need expose this setting -- what the client lib/tool assumes this setting is. Is there any of the Oracle client libs/tools (sqlplus, OCI/OCCI, Pro*C, ...) that can be queried for what it thinks this setting is?
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I am a little doubtful that this is exactly what you are looking for, but

host echo %nls_lang%;


shows the client nls_lang environment variable on the client.

I don't think there will be a SQL query you can run to give the 'current' setting because AFAIK the server is not aware of what translation is done client-side, so any command to show the current setting will have to be native to the client - I used SQL Developer for the above command, but I assume it will work the same in SQL*Plus


from AskTom:

only the client knows their character set as well -- it is not available "in the database"


the character set describes what is stored in database.

the client makes their desired translated to character know [sic] to the database via the NLS_LANG settting.

If you were on 11.1+, you might have some joy with v$session_connect_info, because:

This information is pushed by OCI to the server ats login time.

But I discovered it would still depend on how you are connecting, eg from the JDBC Thin Driver you aren't using OCI and so the information isn't pushed


You can see the following:



SQL> select sys_context('USERENV', 'NLS_TERRITORY') from dual;


1 row selected.
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