
I tried to rewrite the Mage_CatalogRule_Helper_Data.
But somehow my code is not used instead of the original helper.
Can someone please point out the error I have made so I can understand what went wrong, how to do it correct and so I can learn to rewrite more correctly in future.
Btw. as far as I can see the module is activated, so the Test_CatalorRule.xml should be correct.






class Test_CatalogRule_Helper_Data extends Mage_CatalogRule_Helper_Data
    public function calcPriceRule($actionOperator, $ruleAmount, $price)
        return 42;

Thanks for any help

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In the declaration file (etc/modules) this is wrong:


It should be with an uppercase P.


This happened a lot to me. Now, when I create a new extension and add a file to etc/modules, I just clone one of the existing files and modify the text, but leave the tags as they are.
Off topic: this happens a lot with the <depends> tags in the same file. In a lot of cases it says <depend> (without the s at the end).

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