
I am working on a project that needs file uploading. I have implemented Dropzone.js and Laravel Framework. I am sure I have setup everything correctly, but when I drop the files to dropzone and they finish upload I get this error

{"error":{"type":"Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalErrorException","message":"Call to a member function getRealPath() on a non-object","file":"C:\\wamp\\www\\local\\app\\controllers\\AssetsController.php","line":119}}

This is my route


This is my Controller

$path = "assets";
$fileee = Input::file('file');
Image::make($fileee->getRealPath())->resize(500, null, true)->save($path);

When i check with laravel if there is a file it returns NULL but when i var_dump() the Input::file() i get an array of file related data, I have searched the web and cant seem to find anything.

Thanks in advance!

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I finally figured out how to fix this, this is what got it fixed this is my changed Controller

    $fileee = Input::file('file');
    Image::make($fileee[0]->getRealPath())->resize(540, null, true)->save('assets/example.png');

If anyone is asking where did those image manipulation methods came from this is the class iam using

Hope this helps someone in the fututre


I also searched for an answer but got a solution.

Dropzone has this setting:

uploadMultiple: true

If you set it to true, it forms an array that's why you needed to do $fileee[0]. If you allow only one image to be sent, change it to false and you will get an object.

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