
recently I came upon an issue while using page object that I could not find an answer to.

When using a select list to choose an option. I need to select by partial text or by attribute. here is an example:

 <select id="custcol95" name="custcol95">
      <option selected="" value="">- Select -</option>
      <option value="5">Monthly Basic Plan - $27.99</option>
      <option value="1">Monthly Business Plan - $54.99</option>

I tried:

select_list(:planPurchase, :id => 'custcol95')

I can do this:

selectCloudPlan_element.option(:value, CLOUD_PLANS['PersonalMonthly']).select

but that is deprecated.

I have yet to see a select by value option or by index anywhere on the web. Does one exist?

Also if there was a search by partial text that would fix my issue.

Thanks in advance.

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The page object gem already supports selecting by partial text:

page.planPurchase = /Basic/
puts page.planPurchase
#=> "Monthly Basic Plan - $27.99"

Selecting by value is also supported by using select_value:

puts page.planPurchase
#=> "Monthly Basic Plan - $27.99"

The page object gem supports selecting options by index using []. Note that you have to use .click as there is no .select. The index is 0-based.

puts page.planPurchase
#=> "Monthly Business Plan - $54.99"
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