
I've been working here for about 3 months now, and this company has been around since 2003. I've the only full time developer, and I don't know what happened to the part time guy who was doing work before I got hired, I haven't seen him since a month after I started, aside from a couple emails.

Essentially, that makes me the only developer, trying to balance adding new features to our main product (subscription website service), developing an Android-based version of the product, handling client issues, working on migrating clients from old version to new version (and the headaches that will result from this), fixing issues with a signup service for out ISP side of things, and helping with tech support for the ISP side. Not to mention the massive overhaul I'm fairly certain the database needs, that will mean at least a few months' work.

My bosses hired an intern to help me with the Android version, but the one boss randomly went to England until December, taking the intern with him.

Any tips I can use on convincing management to hire somebody else? Even if just a second full time support guy to help with the phone calls?

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You need to build a case for it.

Start by estimating the effort for every task on your plate. In hours, days, whatever. Make sure management sees this- mention this list to them the next time they ask you to do something. Be sure this is written down.

For each new bit of work, estimate its relative effort and importance, and be sure management knows where it's going in your todo list.

When they start getting agitated that things aren't getting done as quickly as they'd like, point out the need for another developer. 1 person can get 1 hour of work done an hour. 2 people can get 2 hours of work done an hour (more or less). If they want prompt support and improvements, they need to hire someone to help.


As Fishtoaster mentioned, you have to build a case for it. I'd go a little further in saying you need to build a FINANCIAL case for it. If you had another programmer the following features could be delieverd this much sooner resulting in quicker product launch. Another programmer would reduce the backlog of support request raising customer satisfaction resulting in new upgrades - etc.

Prioritize everything and publish it if you have multiple stakeholders. When a new task comes in ask where it goes on the priority list. You should not have more than one person setting this priority either, there should be someone or a set group making this decision. When they realize that certain things are never going to get done based on your workload (and you should stick to 40 hour weeks when estimating workload), then you can bring up the need for a dedicated assistant. Think about assigning them the tasks that you don't want, you were there first so don't let them bring in someone to do the android app while you toil away on tickets and meaningless crap.

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