
I have created a website and I want to allow specific IP addresses to be able to visit this website.
After some research I found out that IP addresses might change everyday. Is there any way to obtain the new addresses?

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IP Addresses change depending on the ISP of the user viewing your website. Some will be assigned a static IP, while many home users may be assigned a dynamic IP that could change on a varying basis.

There are a few different options to handling user authentication, with varying levels of usability:

  • Use a login form and create users. You will have to create a database to store encrypted passwords and other user data.

  • Use a login with IP address whitelisting. You can detect the origin of the server request using the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] variable in PHP. Note that if the user is going through a proxy, you will be returned the proxy IP and not the users. You can require a login from anyone outside your array of whitelisted IPs.

  • A small sample script to set up your database:

    $ msyql -u root -pYourPassword
    > CREATE DATABASE mysite;
    > CREATE TABLE users (id TINYINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(30), password VARCHAR(60), email VARCHAR(30), PRIMARY KEY (id));

That's it for creating a very simple database. For security, you should always salt passwords prior to passing them through the MySQL PASSWORD() function.

  • If you aren't comfortable using a database, you can manage user login credentials using htaccess. It is simple and offers no extra fringe benefits or manageability that would come with a programmatic login.

    #just a basic login
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "Login Required"
    #the absolute path to your htpasswd. you can use relative, just be conscious if you move either file
    AuthUserFile /path/to/.htpasswd
    #if you don't have this, your already limited security is blown
    Require valid-user
  • Wherever the .htpasswd is according to the htaccess, you will have a file .htpasswd with one line per user that looks something like:

  • Whenever using the .htaccess method, you should own and chmod 600 the files to ensure only the Apache user can read them:

    chown www-data:www-data .htaccess && chmod 600 .htaccess
    chown www-data:www-data /path/to/.htpasswd && chmod 600 .htpasswd

I would highly recommend using a standard login system with your information stored in a MySQL (or postgres, oracle, etc) database. You noted yourself that IP addresses do change, and frequently updating and managing access to a site using only a list of IP addresses is neither efficient or secure.

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