
It seems like you should be able to configure your preferred unit testing framework as a plugin to Visual Studio/Team system like you can with SourceControl providers. Is anyone aware of an effort within microsoft to allow for swapping out MStest for nUnit, mbUnit or others. Obviosly nothing prevents me from using these other frameworks but they aren't integrated into the IDE.

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Looks like this is coming to Visual Studio 11


If you have a look at TestDriven.NET and Gallio, they both have test runners that integrate to the IDE and allow the use of other testing frameworks.

If you are adverse to spending a little this is just on of the many benefits of ReSharper. (r#)

Not sure MS would want to encourage us to use another one unfortunately.



Visual Studio does provide the concept of custom test adapters that would allow custom test frameworks to execute under the MSTest platform. That is, tests for those frameworks would appear in the Test List Editor, etc.

The developers of the custom frameworks would have to develop a VSPackage that would find and provide tests to MSTest. Unfortunately, there's a lot of work involved.

TestDriven.NET, Resharper (and several others) provide their own VSPackage to provide their own Tool Window, but do not integrate directly with MSTest.

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