
Our WSS3 document libraries no longer prompt to check out. I've confirmed check out is required for editing, and I've tried a new library. We're getting the same results. I also check the authentication provider and ensured client integration is enabled. This has been working great for quite some time. Users are using Office 2003. Could there have been a Windows Server update which disabled this for the old Office version?

When attempting to check out the file within SharePoint, using it's resident checkout functionality I get an error

The file "MyFile.xls" is not checked out.

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Solution 2

Installing the latest service pack resolved the issue!


This could be a client issues. Try the following if the SP does not work. Run the Microsoft Office Diagnostic Tool, which is part you the Office installation on a client. This will look for and correct any errors in your Office installation. When the diagnostic tool is finished try to check out and edit a document. The David Klein's blog entry for additional information. Read the comment too.

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