
In my Menu model I'm trying to fill the slug field if the user didn't fill it.


    public function beforeSave($options = array()){
                isset($this->data[$this->alias]['name']) && 
                     //than fill the slug field in the db for the user.
                $this->data[$this->alias]['slug'] = strtolower(Inflector::slug($this->data[$this->alias]['name'], '-'));
        }//end function

but it doesn't work all the data are saved without going throught this method.

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It's not going through that method at all. If it was, it would not save, since you didn't return true; per the instructions in the CakePHP Book.

You're likely saving Menu data through an association of another model - in which case, it would use IT'S beforeSave, not this one.

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