
I have the following codes:

The code generated by the API does not work:

digraph g {
 graph [rankdir="LR" ,nodesep="1" ,compound="true" ];
    subgraph cluster0 {
        graph [label="<TABLE><TR><TD>End</TD></TR></TABLE>" ,shape="plaintext" ];
        1 [ shape="none" ,fontcolor="white"  ];

Changing the generated to this works:

digraph g {
 graph [rankdir="LR" ,nodesep="1" ,compound="true" ];
    subgraph cluster0 {
        graph [label=< <TABLE><TR><TD>End</TD></TR></TABLE> > ,shape="plaintext" ];
        1 [ shape="none" ,fontcolor="white"  ];

The simple use of Label=< instead of Label=" Makes it work.

I'm using the latest version of Graphviz API and am coding in C#. I add the label as below:

var newBlockSubgraph = new SubGraph<MyClass> { Label = stringBuilder.ToString()};

Is it possible to do the change in the generated code? I need the label to be Label=<

Was it helpful?


I have recompiled the Graphviz4Net with the necessary changes. The official compiled version has not implemented and compiled the bug fix.

You can download the version I compiled here. PS.: Host removed file and i do not have it available atm.

It can now generate the code Label=< in dot code

Example of syntax

var newBlockSubgraph = new SubGraph<State> { Label = "<<b>Hello World</b>>" };
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