
I am trying to store a large amount of boolean information that is determined at run-time. I was wondering what the best method might be.

I have currently been trying to allocate the memory using:

pStatus = malloc((<number of data points>/8) + 1);

thinking that this will give me enough bits to work with. I could then reference each boolean value using the pointer in array notation:


Unfortunately this does not seem to be working very well. First, I am having difficulty initializing the memory to the integer value 0. Can this be done using memset()? Still, I don't think that is impacting why I crash when trying to access pStatus[element].

I am also not entirely convinced that this approach is the best one to be using. What I really want is essentially a giant bitmask that reflects the status of the boolean values. Have I missed something?

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pStatus = malloc((<number of data points>/8) + 1);

This does allocate enough bytes for your bits. However,


This accesses the element'th byte, not bit. So when element is more than one-eighth of the total number of bits, you're accessing off the end of the array allocated.

I would define a few helper functions

int get_bit(int element)
    uint byte_index = element/8;
    uint bit_index = element % 8;
    uint bit_mask = ( 1 << bit_index);

    return ((pStatus[byte_index] & bit_mask) != 0);

void set_bit (int element)
    uint byte_index = element/8;
    uint bit_index = element % 8;
    uint bit_mask = ( 1 << bit_index);

    pStatus[byte_index] |= bit_mask);

void clear_bit (int element)
    uint byte_index = element/8;
    uint bit_index = element % 8;
    uint bit_mask = ( 1 << bit_index);

    pStatus[byte_index] &= ~bit_mask;

(error checking on range of element left out for clarity. You could make this macros, too)


...thinking that this will give me enough bits to work with. I could then reference each boolean value using the pointer in array notation:


element is addressing bytes, not bits. You want something like:

pStatus[element/8] & (1 << (element % 8))

Small point: to get enough memory to store N bits, (N/8) + 1 bytes is imprecise (can be one too many).

(N+7)/8 is always the minimum number, though.

Well, the simplest answer would be to use calloc instead of malloc.

It is defined to initialize the memory it allocates to zero, and can often do it by using page mapping tricks.

That will take care of your memory initialization problem. The other dozen posts here seem to adequately address the indexing problem and the fact that you occasionally allocate an extra byte (oh the horror!), so I won't repeat their content here.

pStatus[element] will give you an entire byte at that address.

To set a particular element you would do something like:

pStatus[element >> 3] |= 1 << (element & 7);

To reset an element:

pStatus[element >> 3] &= ~1 << (element & 7);

and to test an element:

if (pStatus[element >> 3] & (1 << (element & 7)) != 0)

the initial allocation should be

pstatus = malloc((<number of data points> + 7) / 8)

what you had will work but wastes a byte occasionally

I can't help but notice that all replies in C here seem to assume that a byte is 8 bits. This is not necessarily true in C (although it will of course be true on most mainstream hardware), so making this assumption in code is rather bad form.

The proper way to write architecture-neutral code is to

#include <limits.h>

and then use the CHAR_BIT macro wherever you need "the number of bits in a char".

Make yourself happier and define a type and functions to operate on that type. That way if you discover that bit accesses are too slow, you can change the unit of memory per boolean to a byte/word/long or adopt sparse/dynamic data structures if memory is really an issue (ie, if your sets are mostly zeros, you could just keep a list with the coordinates of the 1's.

You can write your code to be completely immune to changes to the implementation of your bit vector.

pStatus[element] does not address the bit. The exact byte it gets is dependent on the type of pStatus -- I assume char* or equivalent -- so pStatus[element] gets you the element'th byte.

You could memset to set to 0, yes.

 pStatus = malloc((<number of data points>/8) + 1);

That part's fine.


here's where you have trouble. You are address bytes, when you want to address bits.

 pStatus[element / 8 ]  

will get you the right byte in the array.

You need to allocate c = malloc((N+7)/8) bytes, and you can set the nth with

 c[n/8]=((c[n/8] & ~(0x80 >> (n%8))) | (0x80>>(n%8)));

clear with

 c[n/8] &= ~(0x80 >> (n%8));

and test with

 if(c[n/8] & (0x80 >> (n%8))) blah();

If you don't mind having to write wrappers, you could also use either bit_set or bit_vector from C++'s STL, seems like they (especially the latter) have exactly what you need, already coded, tested and packaged (and plenty of bells and whistles).

It's a real shame we lack a straight forward way to use C++ code in C applications (no, creating a wrapper isn't straight-forward to me, nor fun, and means more work in the long term).

What would be wrong with std::vector<bool>?

It amazes me that only one answer here mentions CHAR_BIT. A byte is often 8 bits, but not always.

You allocation code is correct, see the set_bit() and get_bit() functions given in this answer to access the boolean.

If you are limited to just a few bits you can instead of eaanon01 solution also use the c builtin facility of bitfield (there are very few occasion where you could use them, but this would be one)

For this bit banging stuff I can recommendate: Herny Warrens "Hacker Delight"

The boolean is "never" a separate value in C. So a struct might be in order to get you going.

It is true that you do not initialize the mem area so you need to do that individually.

Here is a simple example of how you could do it with unions structs and enums

typedef unsigned char           BYTE;
typedef unsigned short          WORD;
typedef unsigned long int       DWORD;
typedef unsigned long long int  DDWORD;
    status0 = 0x01,
    status1 = 0x02,
    status2 = 0x04,
    status3 = 0x08,
    status4 = 0x10,
    status5 = 0x20,
    status6 = 0x40,
    status7 = 0x80,
status_group = status0 + status1 +status4
#define GET_STATUS( S ) ( ((status.DDBuf&(DDWORD)S)==(DDWORD)S) ? 1 : 0  )
#define SET_STATUS( S ) (  (status.DDBuf|=  (DDWORD)S) )
#define CLR_STATUS( S ) (  (status.DDBuf&= ~(DDWORD)S) )
static union {
 BYTE   BBuf[8];
 WORD   WWBuf[4];
 DWORD  DWBuf[2];

int main(void)
    // Reset status bits
    status.BBuf[0] = 0;
    printf( "%d \n", GET_STATUS( status0 ) );

    SET_STATUS( status0 );
    printf( "%d \n", GET_STATUS( status0 ) );

    printf( "%d \n", GET_STATUS( status0 ) );
    SET_STATUS( status_group );
    printf( "%d \n", GET_STATUS( status0 ) );
    system( "pause" );
    return 0;

Hope this helps. This example can handle up until 64 status booleans and could be easy extended.

This exapmle is based on Char = 8 bits int = 16 bits long int = 32 bits and long long int = 64 bits

I have now also added support for status groups.

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