
In our database we have about 20 users, that is used be some program (and users are added with this program). Now there was new requirement to use 2 database and do not allow delete data from one database.

What would be easiest way to deny insert/delete access for some tables (not all)? All users have db_datareader, db_datawriter.

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It would be confusing if you granted someone db_datawriter and then denied them delete rights. So if you can, remove them from the db_datawriter and then grant them the rights they need:

create role role_MyApp
grant select, insert on Table1 to role_MyApp
exec sp_adduserrole 'role_MyApp, 'User1'


Deny all modifying operations to public db role or if it is possible - set the DB into read-only mode


place tables that shoupd be unmodified onto read-only filegroup

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