
I'm having problems setting the title of a root web in a site collection when creating it in an other language then English. When i run the script under using 1033, it works fine the site title is set to the input. But then I change to 1044 Norwegian I get no error but the title is empty (I have installed the language package). Here is the script (I'm using a custome site definition, but set it to STS#0 in the example same problem):

    Write-Host "******** Create site. ***********" -f Green
    Write-Host "Please enter the URL and the administrator of the site to create" -f Green
    [console]::ForegroundColor = "yellow"
    $newSiteUrl = Read-Host "Please enter the site Url to for the site"
    $siteAdministrator = Read-Host "Please enter the site administrator"
    $webTitle = Read-Host "Please enter the title of the root"

    $site = New-SPSite $newSiteUrl -OwnerAlias $siteAdministrator -Language 1044
    $web = $site.RootWeb 
    $web.Title = $webTitle
    Write-Host "The Installation is complete please visit the site at" $web.URL -f Green

So how can I set the title of a site using an other language then English?

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Why do it in 2 steps? The New-SPSite cmdlet takes a webtemplate and a title parameter too?

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