
I'm using PyGtk to display some string information in a treeview. Here goes my code:

def create_table(self):
    self.mainbox = gtk.ScrolledWindow()
    self.mainbox.set_policy( gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
    self.window.add( self.mainbox)

    model = gtk.ListStore( str, str, str)
    self.treeview = gtk.TreeView(model=None)

    col = gtk.TreeViewColumn( "Element")
    self.treeview.append_column( col)
    cell = gtk.CellRendererText()
    col.pack_start( cell, expand=False)
    col.set_attributes( cell, text=0)

    col = gtk.TreeViewColumn( "Test")
    self.treeview.append_column( col)
    cell = gtk.CellRendererSpin() 
    col.pack_start( cell, expand=False)
    col.set_attributes( cell, text=1)

    col = gtk.TreeViewColumn( "Command")
    self.treeview.append_column( col)
    cell = gtk.CellRendererSpin()
    col.pack_start( cell, expand=False)
    col.set_attributes( cell, text=0)

    cell = gtk.CellRendererCombo()
    self.mainbox.add( self.treeview)
    self.mainbox.set_size_request( 500, 260)
    self.vbox.pack_start(self.mainbox, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0)

Then, I created a method to fill the treeview after an event button. The call:

 def populate_treeview_button(self):
    button = gtk.Button(label='Populate Table')
    button.connect("clicked", self.create_model)
    self.vbox.pack_start(button, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0)

And the method (I receive a list of dicts at table_information attribute where the key is an element(string) and the value a list with 2 strings):

def create_model(self, beats_me_param):
    model = gtk.ListStore( str, str, str)

    elements = []
    tests = []
    commands = []

    table_information = self.get_organized_table()

    for i in table_information:
        for dicts in i:
            for element in dicts.keys():

    for i in table_information:
        for dicts in i:
            for value in dicts.values():

    for i in range(len(elements)):
        model.append([elements[i], tests[i], commands[i]])            


When I saw the result at my treeview, I got at third column the same value of the first column and of course they are different. Image bellow: table

I changed the order of elements in the "append" moment and same occurs, the value changes but the changed value is repeated at the third column. What's going wrong?

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The problem was because I set the same index to the third and first column.

col = gtk.TreeViewColumn( "Command")
self.treeview.append_column( col)
cell = gtk.CellRendererSpin()
col.pack_start( cell, expand=False)
col.set_attributes( cell, text=2)

The right way.

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