
I have a scatterplot with many variables, and need to control the color of only the points in the scatterplot, but to leave the lines as they are colored. I have

scatterplotMatrix(~y+x1+x2+x3+x4, data=dataset, cex=.5,col=rgb(0,100,0,50,maxColorValue=255))

The above code changes the color of both the points and the regression lines, which I don't want..

Any help please?


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You don't tell us what package scatterplotMatrix is in.

If it is the one in the car package then it looks like the col argument will take 3 colors with the first 2 specifying the colors for lines and the 3rd for the points. So if you change your call to have a vector with 3 colors (with the 3rd being the value that you want the points to be) then it should work.

If a different function is being used then you need to tell us more.

Here is a quick example (since we don't have your data):

scatterplotMatrix( ~Sepal.Width+Sepal.Length+Petal.Width+Petal.Length,
 data=iris, col=c('purple','blue','black') )

The character strings that I used for colors can be replaced with calls to rgb.

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