
1) When user submits an "Email to Friend" form.

2) When user submits his email for Newsletter.

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And awesome-but-non-obvious events strike again!

Both of your use cases involve user requests. There are always two unique events for actions. The sequence of method calls in a typical dispatch is as follows:

The automagic events are called in this action controller superclass in the preDispatch() and postDispatch() methods:

public function preDispatch()
    Mage::dispatchEvent('controller_action_predispatch_' . $this->getFullActionName(),
        array('controller_action' => $this));


public function postDispatch()

In the case of the email to a friend action, you want to capture the input from the user, which is POSTed to the Mage_Sendfriend_ProductController::sendmailAction(). Even though there is a redirect set on success (or on error), you can still capture the POST request by observing controller_action_postdispatch_sendfriend_product_sendmail. Of course, there's not a really graceful way of capturing whether the transaction was a success or a failure (checking session message storage for success or error is the only obvious way), but this should get you started.

The newsletter post is a similar case - that form action is pointed to Mage_Newsletter_SubscriberController::newAction(), so you can observe controller_action_postdispatch_newsletter_subscriber_new. However, this action involves a model with some business logic (see Mage_Newsletter_Model_Subscriber::subscribe(), and when the instance is saved, it will dispatch automagic events of its own as part of Magento's ORM event hooks (namely newsletter_subscriber_save_before and newsletter_subscriber_save_after).

So, like my friend Vinai says, Magento is "all about options," including when it comes to hooking into newsletter subscriptions.


Well I searched for Mage::dispatchEvent(' in magento folder using my editor and found:

Mage::dispatchEvent('sendfriend_product', array('product' => $product));

But I did not found anything for Newsletter.

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