
I'm trying to connect to salesforce from a java application. I was earlier getting a login error as follows which was resolved by setting the appropriate proxy settings. Failed to send request to

Now, I'm getting the following error: Failed to send request to
at com.sforce.soap.metadata.MetadataConnection.describeMetadata(
at integration.IntegrationClass.describeMetadata(
at integration.IntegrationClass.main(
Caused by: Connection refused: connect

Any ideas on how to resolve this error? Thanks!

UPDATE: I tried the code at my home (free from the restrictions of the office firewalls et al :) ) and found that the code ran successfully. Any ideas about changes that I should make to do the same at the company. As I already said, I added the config.setProxy(host, port) which allowed me to successfully log in, but not access the application. I have also enabled proxy from eclipse using Preferences -> General -> Network Connections. What am I missing?

Thanks a lot for your help. Cheers!

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Ok, I got the solution and it's kinda silly, but since I didn't spot it anywhere else inspite of seeing similar questions, I'm going to post the solution.

The ConnectorConfig config = new ConnectorConfig(); is used multiple times; in my case, it is first used to login using new EnterpriseConnection(config)).login(username, password); and next to obtain a metadata connection using new MetadataConnection(config);. Since I'm creating 2 ConnectorConfig objects, I would need to use the setProxy method on both, which I...forgot. Hope this solution helps other people having the same problem.


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