
i´m about to experiment with Cuda and OpenGL Interoperability. I render canvas geometry with OpenGL (a normal texture_2d) and i generated two texture_2d objects. The first texture_2d contains the original image data. It´s displayed fine and then i want to use this opengl texture as a source texture in cuda.

I want Cuda to perform a negative color image based upon the original image data (newColor = 1.f - originalColor) and store the result every frame in the second texture_2d object.

I tried the simpleCUDA2GL Example and this tutorial: but all i see is the old texture memory content on the gpu, when i bind the second texture_2d object to my shader.

So i wanted to ask if somebody has a working (maybe cuda 5.5) example (as simple as possible, with opengl textures (not pbos)) which he could share or a detailed tutorial concerning my problem.

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