
I've installed a fresh copy of Windows Server 2008 R2 into a virtual machine, using VirtualBox.

Now I'm trying to install the prerequisites for Sharepoint, using the "Microsoft Sharepoint Products and Technologies 2010 Preparation Tool".

Every time I run this tool, after some processing, I keep getting the following error:

The tool was unable to install Microsoft "Geneva" Framework Runtime

  • Application Server Role, Web Server (IIS) Role: configured successfully
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Native Client: installed successfully
  • Microsoft "Geneva" Framework Runtime: installation error
  • Microsoft Sync Framework Runtime v1.0 (x64): Installation skipped
  • Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5: Installation skipped
  • Microsoft Filter Pack 2.0: Installation skipped
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services ADOMD.NET: Installation skipped

I've tried Googling the error but found only one link, which didn't resolve my issue.

I located the log file (using: 'cd %temp%' then 'dir /od *.log'), and noticed that it contains the following text:

2011-07-11 01:53:43 - Beginning download of Microsoft "Geneva" Framework Runtime
2011-07-11 01:53:43 -
2011-07-11 01:53:44 - Download of "Microsoft "Geneva" Framework Runtime" completed successfully
2011-07-11 01:53:44 - Installing Microsoft "Geneva" Framework Runtime
2011-07-11 01:53:44 - "C:\Windows\system32\msiexec.exe" /i "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IDF850F.tmp.msi" /quiet /norestart
2011-07-11 01:53:44 - Install process returned (0X654=1620)
2011-07-11 01:53:44 - [In HRESULT format] (0X80070654=-2147023276)
2011-07-11 01:53:44 - Last return code (0X654=1620)
2011-07-11 01:53:44 - Error: The tool was unable to install Microsoft "Geneva" Framework Runtime.
2011-07-11 01:53:44 - Last return code (0X654=1620)

Then I went to run the file "C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp\IDF850F.tmp.msi" manually, and got a dialog saying:

This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.

Then I noticed that when I put the Geneva download URL into my browser, I just get a 404.

So I guess Microsoft have taken the file off their servers.

Is there any way I can fix this, or get Geneva from somewhere else, or install Sharepoint 2010 without installing Geneva? And isn't anyone else having the same issue?

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It turns out that the Prerequisites installer was downloading a 0KB Geneva installation package, because the official Microsoft download URL is down (giving 404 errors).

I found a working link to the installer:

So the steps were:

  1. Download the MSI file from the link above, to a local folder (e.g. C:\Prerequisites).

  2. Run the Prerequisites installer with the '/IDFX' switch (thanks for the blog link, @GillouX!):

    PrerequisiteInstaller.exe /IDFX:C:\Prerequisites\MicrosoftGenevaFrameworkSDK.x64.msi

    The Prerequisites installation now proceeds correctly.

  3. Then I can run the installer and it works! :)


To fix just download thew new SPF2010 binary version 14.0.4730.1010

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