
We have a column of type "E-Mail" and we'd like to attach validation to it so it conforms to the normal regular expression email validations at a specific domain. Is this possible without writing a web part in Visual Studio? Thank you.

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This codeplex project allows you to add regular expression validation to fields

Codeplex - SharePoint Custom Field Type - Regular Expressions

Be very careful trying to validate email addresses using RegEx though (either through this tool or javascript) - its seems like a ideal candidate for regex until you get into the details and there are a lot of samples out there that are wrong.

For example :-

  • Hardly any one will accept apostrophes in the email - yes o' is valid!
  • Many of the example out there will not accept TLD and this will only become unmanageable now that the restrictions on creating TLD's have been relaxed.


Other methods you can use:

  • Create a validation formula in the List Settings / Validation Settings.
  • Add some script to your forms to validate on the blur event or in the PreSaveAction

I prefer using script on the blur event because I can give immediate feedback to the user, as they are used to on other modern Web sites.

This link gives you two different options. One that involves inserting a hidden web part in the EditForm for the list, and using JQuery to do the actual RegEx validation. Another option is to go with the third-party tool Christian refers to in the article.

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