
Let's suppose we have a computer with Intel Pentium CPU. Its OS implements virtual memory with paging. If a process has access to 16 MBytes of memory in total, how can I calculate the minimum (best case) and the maximum (worst case) size of page tables in kBytes?

My calculations so far: Minimum - Best case: Size of PageTable (bytes) = Number of Entries in PageTable * Size of Entry => Size of PageTable (bytes) = 2^20 * 2^10 = 2^30 bytes

Maximum - Worst case: Size of PageTable (bytes) = Number of Entries in PageTable * Size of Entry => Size of PageTable (bytes) = 2^20 * 2^14 = 2^34 bytes

Are those calculations correct and if yes how can I proceed to find the total size of page tables?


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Getting Intel Pentium page Table Size

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