
I am attempting step 3.i of the Upgrading to and Verifying Magento Community Edition 1.8 and Enterprise Edition 1.13 - Part 1 instructions. The site is functioning, but when I attempt to run the URL migration script, I see this:

[root@quantumpostcards store2]# php -f shell/url_migration_to_1_13.php - 2 [INFO]: Initialization...

Fatal error: Call to a member function init() on a non-object in shell/url_migration_to_1_13.php on line 74

I have cleared the cache and set var/ to 777 based on previous comments, but these had no impact. Any Suggestion?

FWIW I can successfully run shell/indexer.php (php -f shell/indexer.php -- --reindexall).

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shell/url_migration_to_1_13.php on line 74 contains code


Fatal error: Call to a member function init() on a non-object

This error means that your script cannot create model instance of


Go to app/code/core/Enterprise and check if Mview module is there.

If it is there just clear cache and try to run script again.

If it's not then you did not update you core code to 1.13.*, because 1.12.* version has no Enterprise_Mview module.

So you cannot run shell/url_migration_to_1_13.php if your code/core is not 1.13.* version.

Also check if module initialization config Enterprise_Mview.xml is present in app/etc.

Anyway make sure that you have all initialization files from EE-1.13.

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